Non Sami mais j'ai remarqué que certains sont trop sur leurs nerfs dans la blogosphere et qu'il y'a beaucoup de haine de jalousie et de sentiments refoulés, alors mon message est clair pour ceux là:
i m new here i read few of your recent articles and i was impressed by your writting skills. this las t article seemed to be out of subject and topic. its good to be funny and ironic sometimes but in this case, i m not laughing. Last nite i saw a documentary about Abu Grib, turture, nakedenss, people die out of pain. not any people our people muslim arab just like us. i dont want ot get to far in this blog but i m PISSED about the war. Anyway my dear writer please keep writting alot of people enjoy your blog.
@mohamed "this las t article seemed to be out of subject and topic." What subject and topic are you talking about? this is not the United Nations..............
wassa3 balek ya bribech primo je sais eli a7na el twansa manach kima el saudis. aussi pour le Maroc c’est complètement différent de l Egypt ou le Kuwait mais think out of the box. In which group do we belong in the history of the world? Barbare, Arabe, north African peut être, meditaranien ... tu croix ? 3rab mouslmin avec un mixe dans la culture due to the long history of la belle Tunisie. en plus mon ami. ahna muslimin, arab alike. netkalmou 3arbi. thats the truth. dont run away because its not the arab times of glory kan jina ahna la3rab tayrin fil sma rana we love each others and care about each other kima lakhouwat. keeping it simple. we are not alone in the world we belong to a common race and a common religion which unite us in a moral way. this is war where is the moral my dear bribech?
@weldblad: Belonging to one group and so on is what i call thinking inside the box. The fact that we speak arabic doesn't necessary make you arab. Take the example of Lebanon and lebanese christian will deny the fact that they are arabs (soit disant phenicians). Also the fact that you are muslim doesn't also make you part of a race or a group. Take the example of Afghanistan and even Malisia. All i'm saying is that maybe the "Arab league" should agree on one thing at least once in their times. If we see that happening one day, we might then be called part of same group of people, but until now war is just a bad thing happening to Irakis (not war against arabs). "In which group do we belong in the history of the world?" Why do we have to be part of a group? Is France part of some group you know? What about Sweden or Ghana even? You saying that ken jina tayrin fil smai rana we love each others, Well i think at certain times back in history, we used to be tayrin fil smai compare to other civilizations (the west more precisely) and avec ca we didn't love each others as you suggest. La preuve you can name at least 5 wars between arabs back then and now. Anyways all this would make sense if we were united from the begining, that is arabs under one nation (you call it whatever, ARABIA maybe). The only thing that units us is the language that is fading with time....
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في ال...
تدوينة في الوقت بدل الضائع
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الفعل و لا تفاعل." قال. " ابحث عن امرأة إنسان، تعشق و تناور، تهيم و تصد،
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ذكر تايلندا 2
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L'esprit de Ramadan
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ملاحظاتك إعجابا ام نقدا *
* تماما كما كنت تبديها لي و انا ارسم اللوحات و...
كفيف بنين و حنين
هل يعقل إنو كلام كيما هذا يتقال في التلفزة؟
برة يتقال في الديار، في القهاوي، نقولو عباد جاهلة و غير واعية، أما هكا في
التلفزة و الجمهور يصفق زادة؟
ما لقيتش عنوان على خاطر موش نصّ !!
ما انتن زبلتك ! ما امسخ شوارعك ! ما اصفر اشجارك ! ما ا تعس اخبارك ! ما
ابهم عبادك ! ما ارخص دماياتك ! ما اخيب بنياتك ! ما ابشع حكآياتك ! ما اطول
ايّامك ! ...
لا ثورة ولا هم يحزنون
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ثورة قادها شباب غير مسيس؛ لا يحمل أية ايدولوجيا؛ و ظلت هذه الفكرة تروّج على
أنها ...
في المدينة الالمانية الي نسكن فيها يقع من حين الى آخر تعطيل حركة المرور و
القطارات و اخلاء منطقة كاملة من السكان و المارّة و يقع اعلام الناس في
الراديو بذ...
راوغوهم يا أخي!
تسسس تسسسسست
الصوت خمسة على خمسة و حصوة في عين اللي ما يصلّي ع النبي و وررررررييييي
ايا سيدي نستهلّو على بركة الله تدشين ها البلوغ الجديد، و بمناسبة ها
Je les comprends...
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الشيخ شلتوتمقدمة الكاتب الباب الأول: زواج المتعة بين السنة والشيعةالفصل
الأول: زو...
7 commentaires:
القلق عمل فيك ظاهرلي :)
@ Sami III:
Non Sami mais j'ai remarqué que certains sont trop sur leurs nerfs dans la blogosphere et qu'il y'a beaucoup de haine de jalousie et de sentiments refoulés, alors mon message est clair pour ceux là:
i m new here i read few of your recent articles and i was impressed by your writting skills. this las t article seemed to be out of subject and topic. its good to be funny and ironic sometimes but in this case, i m not laughing. Last nite i saw a documentary about Abu Grib, turture, nakedenss, people die out of pain. not any people our people muslim arab just like us. i dont want ot get to far in this blog but i m PISSED about the war. Anyway my dear writer please keep writting alot of people enjoy your blog.
@ BTP :
bien dit, putain , la majotité sur ses nerfs....yekbrou w yensaw..ken kebrou betbi3a :) :) looooool
l'alchimiste tj optimiste
"this las t article seemed to be out of subject and topic."
What subject and topic are you talking about? this is not the United Nations..............
wassa3 balek ya bribech primo je sais eli a7na el twansa manach kima el saudis. aussi pour le Maroc c’est complètement différent de l Egypt ou le Kuwait mais think out of the box. In which group do we belong in the history of the world? Barbare, Arabe, north African peut être, meditaranien ... tu croix ? 3rab mouslmin avec un mixe dans la culture due to the long history of la belle Tunisie.
en plus mon ami. ahna muslimin, arab alike. netkalmou 3arbi. thats the truth. dont run away because its not the arab times of glory kan jina ahna la3rab tayrin fil sma rana we love each others and care about each other kima lakhouwat. keeping it simple. we are not alone in the world we belong to a common race and a common religion which unite us in a moral way. this is war where is the moral my dear bribech?
@weldblad: Belonging to one group and so on is what i call thinking inside the box. The fact that we speak arabic doesn't necessary make you arab. Take the example of Lebanon and lebanese christian will deny the fact that they are arabs (soit disant phenicians). Also the fact that you are muslim doesn't also make you part of a race or a group. Take the example of Afghanistan and even Malisia. All i'm saying is that maybe the "Arab league" should agree on one thing at least once in their times. If we see that happening one day, we might then be called part of same group of people, but until now war is just a bad thing happening to Irakis (not war against arabs).
"In which group do we belong in the history of the world?" Why do we have to be part of a group? Is France part of some group you know? What about Sweden or Ghana even? You saying that ken jina tayrin fil smai rana we love each others, Well i think at certain times back in history, we used to be tayrin fil smai compare to other civilizations (the west more precisely) and avec ca we didn't love each others as you suggest. La preuve you can name at least 5 wars between arabs back then and now. Anyways all this would make sense if we were united from the begining, that is arabs under one nation (you call it whatever, ARABIA maybe). The only thing that units us is the language that is fading with time....
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