lundi, juillet 17, 2006

Blog Under Construction!

La grande première sera probablement pour le mois d'Août, Le tréééééés attendu blog du Big Trap Boy est sous travaux pour vous apporter le meilleur comme le pire! So hold on tight! Le casseur de tout les blogs tunisiens arrive, et il est mééééchant !! Grrrrrr!!

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

really cute puppy!!! i mean i was just looking at my friend josh's face and i bet your non-english speaking puppy's anus with some danglers is 5 times less disgusting than having to look at josh's freaking butt chin. you don't even understand me, do you?

Big Trap Boy a dit…

I do understand you. God! Your friend Josh has got to be really ugly! This ain't my puppy though, I got thi picture from some website. Glad you like it!